CBD Articles and Information

  • How Cannabinoids elevate our wellness!

    Cannabis, the wonder plant is gaining momentum yet again in the 21st century after its decline in the 20th century. The cannabis consumption in India has always had medicinal and religious overtones. It has been a part of our culture...

  • How Cannabis can help in the healing process of PTSD

    PTSD can be a debilitating condition that makes the individual unable to function in their daily life. This is due to how it manifests – nightmares, overwhelming and unpredictable emotions, self-destructive habits, hyper vigilance, social anxiety and more. PTSD can...

  • How to prioritize wellness with Hemp!

    In this day and age, we are so used to treating the human body as a machine. Although that might be true on some level, our bodies are much more complex and intimate than that. Our internal and physical aspects...

  • How CBD can elevate your yoga practice

    We can all admit that we are always facing some level of anxiety as we go about our days. With our crazy schedules, work load and responsibilities, out mind always seems to be elsewhere. This hum of anxiety slowly snowballs...

  • India’s only trusted CBD brands

    India’s only trusted CBD brands

    Cannabis, the wonder plant is gaining momentum yet again in the 21st century after its decline in the 20th century. The cannabis consumption in India has always had medicinal and religious overtones. It has been a part of our culture for centuries...

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