Softgels: A simple, portable way to get your daily CBD intake.
Softgels: A simple, portable way to get your daily CBD intake.
There are numerous ways to get your daily dose of CBD and you might have heard a little bit about them all. The modality of consumption you want to choose depends mainly on your preferences – your lifestyle, dosage required and personal choices. If you’ve been thinking about trying CBD and are unsure of the delivery method, softgels are a good option to consider. Let’s get into the advantages of using softgels and why they may just be your new favourite way to consume CBD.
What are softgels?
Softgels are an oral dosage used to delivery CBD into your system. They are similar to capsules but have a gelatine based shell covering the liquid CBD.
What are the advantages of softgels?
It’s easy to digest – Gelatin capsules are made to be very easy to digest. The CBD is delivered into your system and absorbed by the body within minutes of ingestion. As compared to tinctures, softgels are easier to consume on-the-go. If you have to commute to work or are just an overall busy person, just pop a softgel and you’re good to go.
Higher bioavailability – Through stabilizing techniques of the softgels, the effectiveness of the absorption of the material inside (such as hemp oil or CBD) can be increased.
They are sealed – Soft gelatine capsules are hermetically sealed and air-tight. This makes them the perfect choice for portability. They are tamper-proof as well as protected from light and oxygen. This means that each dose you take is pure and brand new. Even if you don’t want to carry the entire box, it’s safe to keep a few required capsules in a smaller air-tight container and carry them wherever required.
Accuracy in dosage – This is one of the areas where tinctures may fall short and that is accuracy in dosage. If you want to acquire targeted dosages softgels cal deliver incredibly accurate doses. They also provide a larger scale of dosage – they can be made available for a very small as well as a very high dosage. They are also known to increase the quality of the product they are carrying due to their low melting compound and minimizing of potential dust generation during manufacture.
If you’re interested in softgels, we’ve got India’s first ever full-spectrum CBD softgels on our site! These softgels by Hempstrol are 100% organic and deliver aunthentic oil rich in 15mg CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC and other various compounds found in Therapeutic Hemp Plant. Check it out here!