Love.RawCacao | Raw Cacao mass

Rs. 1,900.00

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Rich in antioxidants, vitamins & minerals. It opens your heart, brings focus and improves your mood. It also reduces inflammation & helps regulate insulin.

Cacao is a heart opening medicine. In the Mayan tradition (of Guatemala). It has a lot of antioxidant and it’s an aphrodisiac.

In some central and South American culture they used cacao to celebrate a birth, a death, to get together as a community when some members of the community had forgotten their gratitude and when a member of the community did something wrong or had a disagreement with another member of the community to bring the person back to his heart centre.

Cacao is also the symbol of LOVE. It’s a beautiful white fresh fruit that is SWEET, but only when you chew through the bitter bean (the seed of it) you truly understand love, its joy, its sorrow, its bitterness, pain, and only then we can come to understand the depth of love, its joy and its sorrow. All in accordance to the will of the higher spirit.

The history of chocolate can be traced to the ancient Mayans, and even earlier to the ancient Olmecs of southern Mexico.

The first cacao seed was found in Guatemala by the Olmec civilisation, which lived 2000 years before the Mayas.

Chocolate is made from the fruit of cacao trees, which are native to Central and South America. The fruits are called pods and each pod contains around 40 cacao beans. The beans are dried and roasted to create cocoa beans.

Ancient Olmec pots and vessels from around 1500 B.C. were discovered with
traces of theobromine, a stimulant compound found in chocolate and tea.
It’s thought the Olmecs used cacao to create a ceremonial drink.

The Olmecs undoubtedly passed their cacao knowledge on to the Central American Mayans who not only consumed cacao, they revered it. The Mayan written history mentions chocolate drinks being used in celebrations and also to finalize important transactions.
Despite chocolate’s importance in Mayan culture, it wasn’t reserved for the wealthy and powerful but readily available to almost everyone. In many Mayan households, chocolate was enjoyed with every meal. Mayan chocolate was thick and often combined with chili peppers, honey or water.

The Aztecs took chocolate admiration to another level. They believed cacao was given to them by their gods. Like the Mayans, they enjoyed the caffeinated kick of hot or cold, spiced chocolate beverages in ornate containers, but they also used cacao beans as currency to buy food and other goods. In Aztec culture, cacao beans were considered more valuable than gold.
Aztec chocolate was mostly an upper-class extravagance, although the lower classes enjoyed it occasionally at weddings or other celebrations.
Perhaps the most notorious Aztec chocolate lover of all was the mighty Aztec ruler Montezuma II who supposedly drank gallons of chocolate each day for energy and as an aphrodisiac. It’s also said he reserved some of his cacao beans for his military.

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