Vior Naturals - Elm | Bach Flower Stock concentrate

Rs. 1,300.00
Rs. 1,300.00
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Those who are doing good work, are following the calling of their life and who hope to do something of importance, and this often for the benefit of humanity. At times there may be periods of depression when they feel that the task they have undertaken is too difficult, and not within the power of a human being.
Bach Flower Elm
Overwhelmed by responsibility

Sudden feeling of being overwhelmed by responsibilities and being inadequate for them.
Consequential despondency and exhaustion with ideas of being unequal to the job.
Even momentary doubt of abilities causes weakness and debility.
But all symptoms are only temporary.
Bach Flower Elm is the Bach flower remedy for those who at times, find that the pressures and responsibility of their work or family commitments become overwhelming, leaving them feeling inadequate and worn out. They are usually capable people and may indeed hold a responsible position, but when the burden of their responsibility, whatever it might be, begins to pile up, it eventually becomes too heavy to bear. The Bach Flower Elm mind can under such circumstances, give way to panic at not being able to cope, and those who suffer this way feel they cannot take it any more. This can be especially stressful if the person concerned holds a position of importance when their capability and competence is crucial or is a person upon whom others rely. This Bach flower remedy Elm helps the mind to become calmer so that the problem can be put into perspective and thought about clearly, rationally and methodically, thus encouraging the confidence which has been temporarily lost, to return.

Human Indication of Bach Flower Elm
Feeling overwhelmed and depressed, there is too much to do and you don’t feel that you can do it all.

Those who are doing good work, are following the calling of their life and who hope to do something of importance, and this often for the benefit of humanity. At times there may be periods of depression when they feel that the task they have undertaken is too difficult, and not within the power of a human being.
Bach Flower Elm
Overwhelmed by responsibility

Sudden feeling of being overwhelmed by responsibilities and being inadequate for them.
Consequential despondency and exhaustion with ideas of being unequal to the job.
Even momentary doubt of abilities causes weakness and debility.
But all symptoms are only temporary.
Bach Flower Elm is the Bach flower remedy for those who at times, find that the pressures and responsibility of their work or family commitments become overwhelming, leaving them feeling inadequate and worn out. They are usually capable people and may indeed hold a responsible position, but when the burden of their responsibility, whatever it might be, begins to pile up, it eventually becomes too heavy to bear. The Bach Flower Elm mind can under such circumstances, give way to panic at not being able to cope, and those who suffer this way feel they cannot take it any more. This can be especially stressful if the person concerned holds a position of importance when their capability and competence is crucial or is a person upon whom others rely. This Bach flower remedy Elm helps the mind to become calmer so that the problem can be put into perspective and thought about clearly, rationally and methodically, thus encouraging the confidence which has been temporarily lost, to return.

Human Indication of Bach Flower Elm
Feeling overwhelmed and depressed, there is too much to do and you don’t feel that you can do it all.

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