OG Hemp - Hemp Paper Notebook A5 (Softcover Wiro Binding Notebook)

Rs. 875.00

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Here’s a 100 % hemp paper notebook made from industrial hemp that’s believed to be a groundbreaking alternative to the conventional tree paper notebooks made from wood. Due to reasons like low- lignin content, natural brightness, zero waste produced, and its carbon negative nature. Around 3 trees, tonnes of energy, and several environmental issues were being considered for creating this 1 notebook made from hemp.

The paper made from industrial hemp has a distinctive smooth texture, bright finish, and thick paper with a low absorption ratio that prevents ink from bleeding through the pages-making it is a great score for a high-quality notebook. It is bound with a durable spiral binding, keeping a good number of pages together securely while also providing you with a flat writing surface when opened. 

It’s handy, measuring 8.25 inches by 5.5 inches in size, and can be tucked into any purse, bag, or backpack to take with you on the go! With 100 completely blank and unlined pages in each of the books, you have ample room to ensure all of your thoughts and images are well documented in a sketch pad.

You can use this notebook as-is or slip them with ease into a leather spiral-bound notebook cover. Hemp Paper Notebooks from OGHemp are minimalist and are styled with a vintage look that’s trendy and modern in its way. Carry it anywhere and you can be sure of people stealing glances on it! 

100% Organic, Eco- Friendly paper

Hemp Paper made from OGHemp is 100% organic, eco-friendly, biodegradable, 8 times recyclable, and sustainable. Around 3 trees, tonnes of energy, and several environmental issues were being saved for creating this 1 notebook was made of hemp. Hemp paper is proved to be the best alternative to paper made of wood due to major factors like low- lignin content, natural brightness, zero waste produced, and its carbon negative nature.

Hemp Paper Notebooks for any use

These are versatile sketch pads that can be used for keeping a journal, a diary, small sketches, jotting down ideas, keeping a travelogue, taking notes and so much more. Measuring only 8.25 inches by 5.5 inches in size, each sketching pad can be tucked into any purse, bag, or backpack to take with you on the go!

Plenty of Space to jot down your idea

With 100 completely blank and unlined pages in each of the books, you have ample room to ensure all of your thoughts and images are well documented in a sketch pad. A perfect size to be carried anywhere, the hemp notebook has a natural white color that comes without the use of any artificial optical brightness agent. 

Premier quality finish, Highly durable

Has a distinctive smooth texture, bright finish, and thick paper with a low absorption ratio that prevents ink from bleeding through the pages- making it a great score for a high-quality notebook. Has a durable spiral binding, keeps a good number of pages together securely while also providing you with a flat writing surface when opened. 

Style them as you like

You can use this notebook as-is or slip them with ease into a leather spiral-bound notebook cover. Notebooks from OGHemp are minimalist and are styled with a vintage look that’s trendy and modern in its way. Carry it anywhere and you can be sure of people stealing glances on it!

A perfect vintage gift for nature lovers

100% organic, eco-friendly notebook made with paper that’s 8 times recyclable. Measuring only 8.25 inches by 5.5 inches in size with 100 pages, with a durable spiral binding, it can easily be tucked into any purse, bag, or backpack to take with you on the go!

Variant Quantity Price Variant total


Rs. 875.00
Rs. 0.00


Rs. 2,358.00
Rs. 0.00


Rs. 3,712.00
Rs. 0.00


Rs. 0.00