Sacha Runa Shamanic Retreats in Bolivia - 1 Day Retreat

Rs. 10,275.00
Rs. 10,275.00
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Indians get Visa on Arrival in Bolivia

  • 1 Ceremony

  • Breakfast included

  • Sleeping accommodations

  • 2 days / 1 night

Sacha Runa is an organization dedicated to helping people reconnect with the vital forces of the Universe, their own truth and the Supreme Source. We help each to purify and transform so as to liberate the obstacles that chain us to the state of suffering and illusion and learn to reconnect to source, draw healing, nourishment and inspiration and learn to allow Spirit to guide our lives and to share and serve others with Divine Love and Light.

In this Peace Chamber, we have been conducting Shamanic Healing Rituals for many years with countless miraculous healings and transformations taking place. All of them involve singing and chanting, and working with the magical and transformative power of Sound while connecting to Source and channeling its vibration and interacting with the vibrations of all present to weave a beautiful tapestry of energy to heal and align anew.

During the tour, we will participate in a traditional Amazonian shamanic healing ceremony. We will be in the dark, sitting around the periphery of the temple enclosure, while undertaking a soul journey that will purify the body, heal the emotions and traumas and enlighten the mind with deeply-felt insight and orientation through the shamanic chants, instruments, tobacco blowing, etc.

When you arrive you will settle in to your dormitories and maybe rest for an hour to prepare for the ceremony. Then we will gather at our the temple where the shaman will carefully explain to you for maybe an hour or an hour and a half whatever you need to know in order to be best prepared for the ceremony as well as listen to whatever your own questions and desires are in order to serve you better.

Then the ceremony will begin and the lights will go out, and for about four hours you will be sitting in a magical realm listeing to the sacred chants of the shaman the sacred instruments being played, and the shaman with the sounds reeling the energy will help you confront the traumas of your past and to release many of them while also opening you up to receive inspiration, guidance, healing, solace, empowerment and blessings for your life. So four four hours you will undergo a magical mystical journey that will most likely transform your life for the better while also helping you to face your demons and get rid of them, so you may walk lightly upon the earth as a better human being better able to serve.

Once the ceremony is finished we will go back into our dorms and rest for about four hours and then share a small breakfast and gather again at the temple for a talking circle where people will share with one another what they have experienced . The shaman will also give you feedback helping everybody to process and integrate the experience in a healthy way and give completion to it so that people are ready to reintegrate themselves to their daily routine.

This shamanic retreat has been designed for all those who seek a profound transformation in their lives. Each initiate must be prepared to experience intense personal realizations that will lead him or her to surrender the will to control to serve the divine purpose. We will be working with plant spirits, participating in several ceremonies with the sacred vine Mother Ayahuasca and the priestly cactus Father Wachuma, we will undergo these revelations in places of power overseen by the Ancestral Guardians of the Andes and the Amazon, and we will be guided at all times by a group of highly trained shaman. Whatever our personal prayer may be, or the form our particular ailments may take, the only spiritual requirement that is needed to be nurtured by and blossom through this course is an innate sense of love, surrender and devotion.

This course has over 30 years creating warriors of the New Times, transmitting to our participating brothers and sisters from all around the world the indigenous teachings and healings that we have inherited. We recommend this retreat to all those who wish to receive the divine presence of the Great Spirit, who wish to absorb the sacred essence of the Andes and the Amazon, and who are ready to take the next step in their spiritual evolution.

We will work doing private and group healings according the needs of the group. We will have the honor of working with the master plants Ayahuasca (in The Wizard´s Mountain) besides, in the jungle we will do a special Shamanic diet and will eat food free from sugar and salt. We will drink healing teas every morning, to detox our bodies and have a deep cleaning. We will participate in Tobacco ceremonies, to clean the vital energy of our body, mind and soul.

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