Cannabis – Oil, Tincture & Paste: What are the differences and which one is for you?

Cannabis – Oil, Tincture & Paste: What are the differences and which one is for you?

For anyone who stumbles upon cannabis and its healing properties, it can get confusing to make a choice. This is because the current cannabis market is replete with options and although this is an exciting thing, it can be overwhelming for a first timer. As the variety grows, so should the clarity. This is why we’re about to give you a complete lowdown of each medium of cannabis products – whether it’s full-spectrum, broad spectrum or isolate, we’re going to explain the various formats you can consume these in and this will help you gauge what’s best for you.

Let’s get started with the most common mix up – CBD Oil vs. CBD Tincture

Many still perceive CBD oil and CBD tinctures interchangeably. However, this is a common mistake (made by some brands too) and they do come with some differences.

CBD tincture

A ‘tincture’ became associated with a dropper style bottle. But this is not what differentiates the two as CBD Oil and CBD tinctures can come in dropper style bottles. Simply put – the main difference lies in the solvent used to extract CBD.

CBD tinctures are an alcohol-based extract. High-proof alcohol the solvent used to extract the natural compounds of the cannabis plant and is also used in the finished product. This gives CBD tinctures a very bitter taste but a longer shelf life. The bitter taste is masked with additives like sweeteners, flavoring, or vegetable glycerin. Some companies might also add vitamins, herbal extracts, or supplements like melatonin, depending on the goal of the product.


CBD Oil is often a blend of CBD Extract (or paste) and carrier oil like MCT coconut oil. CBD oil is usually made by extracting other compounds from the plant material along with CBD such as terpenes and flavonoids – both of which come with their own benefits. The method used to extract this is called supercritical CO2, a process which helps retain the bioavailability, sustainability and quality of the plant. After this paste is extracted, it is then mixed with the carrier oil. Sometimes, essential oils are also used for their own benefits and flavor. CBD oils are more commonly found and even the products labeled CBD tinctures or CBD oil tinctures are more often CBD oils.

CBD Paste

CBD paste is the most concentrated extract and in terms of potency is the most potent among the three. CBD paste is the form of CBD that is usually added to carriers like MCT oil for further consumption. CBD paste is for those who need to consume higher quantities of CBD for medicinal purposes. CBD paste is also more cost effective and can be used to make your own CBD edibles to experiment and have fun with your medicinal intake of CBD. However, pastes usually come in a syringe and it can be hard to dispense and figure out the dosage.

We hope these differentiating factors help you make the right choice for your purchase. Another ideal way to do so is to consult with our doctors and make a purchase with their guidance.


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