Women of Cannabis: Gweneth Paltrow Goes Green!

The American actress, model, writer, businesswoman and author we’ve grown to love – Gweneth Paltrow emerges as a huge supporter of the Canna industry. When one looks at Gweneth Paltrow, we usually don’t imagine someone who is dope-y or in it for the high. As a successful businesswoman and as someone who is always in pursuit of wellness, Paltrow knows what works when it comes to these two factors.  “We’re very clearly and definitively moving in the direction of cannabis being legalised, and I think it should be,” Paltrow said. “I’m actually not a big personal user of it. But I do think that there are amazing medicinal qualities to it and it is really helpful for a lot of people.”

CBD for women

She is someone who advocates for cutting-edge and effective solutions to the problems of the modern world. Her endorsement in the Cannabis industry is a clear indicator of its magnanimous potential when it comes to healing. Her brand ‘Goop’ even has an entire CBD section with skincare solutions, menstrual pain relief oils, edibles, hemp lotions and tinctures. Her brand and site are designed with luxury and self-care in mind and what better way to achieve both than through CBD! She taps into the canna-curious female consumer with state-of-the-art products and helps many women get tools to acquire the self care they need to be the best versions of themselves.

“I love this subject. It really has the potential to shift old patterns of thought and change lives, and I feel like we really could be on the precipice of something a lot bigger than we realize, scientifically,” – In Goop Health Conference

We are grateful for entrepreneurs and strong women like Gweneth Paltrow who are furthering and advocating for natural modalities of healing such as Cannabis. Normalization and in turn, legalization comes when big voices such as hers are on our side.