Does Hemp Help Enhance Joint Health? Let’s find out!

Does Hemp Help Enhance Joint Health? Let’s find out!

There’s an old adage that goes “youth is a gift of nature but old age is a work of art”. How healthy you will be in your old age has a lot to do with the practices and habits we indulge in when we’re younger. Although the aging process is gradual, we don’t feel like we’re ever getting older when we’re in our 20s and 30s. However, these phases have a hige impact on our health as we age. We feel invincible when we’re younger, which could be the reason for some neglect on the health front. 

When it comes to health in old age, joints are an important indicator of it. They are incredibly important when it comes to mobility. The cartilage that surrounds the bone is what tends to degenerate as we age and is the key component of mobility. It is responsible for reducing friction between the bones and also produces synovial fluid as we get older. Synovial fluid helps keep the joints lubricated and the functioning smoothly. If your joints do deteriorate, you may feel stiffness, pain and/or swelling.

What is essentially happening here is inflammation.  And this is where CBD comes in. CBD interacts with the Endocannabinoid System – the part of the body that is responsible for maintaining general homeostasis and other general functions such as appetite, sleep, and physical pain. CBD interacts with this very system to support joint health, in every stage of life. CBD works with two receptors – CBD1 and CBD2 while supporting joint health. CBD2 receptors are specifically responsible for supporting the inflammatory response associated with joint issues. The scientific studies are still ongoing but there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence to support the claims that it helps with healing join health as well as reducing pain caused by unhealthy joints – temporary or more permanent conditions like arthritis. 

cbd products, CBD for joint health

Joint care is relevant no matter your age. Healthy eating, exercise, and hydration go a long way in keeping your joints healthy. A Mediterranean diet is best to keep your joints healthy and reducing the habit of smoking is also essential. In order to increase joint healthy significantly is to consume full-spectrum hemp oil or apply it topically regularly. The hemp plant consists of more than 110 cannabinoids and 120 terpenes that are being studied and increasingly being discovered to have a plethora of incredible effects which include anti-inflammatory properties and pain reduction. 

Browse our product line and choose a product to get started on your journey to maintaining joint health or consult our doctors to help you get acquainted with our products.

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