Using CBD to aid menstrual cramps - CBD Store India

Using CBD to aid menstrual cramps

It’s that time of the month again and this time it’s no joke. You’re moving from fetal position on one side to fetal position on the other and the pain just doesn’t seem to subside. Ladies, being on your period, especially when it’s heavy and painful is truly something commendable. But some days, it does get too much for some of us and that’s when we resort to pharmaceuticals to mitigate or take away the pain. Although it does work almost immediately, it’s not a healthy mechanism to fall back on. What if, instead, you had a natural alternative that does what a pain killer would do without the harmful long-term side effects? This is where CBD comes in.

CBD or Cannabidiol is one of a hundred compounds that are extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant. CBD binds to the Endocannabinoid receptors in your body. The Endocannabinoid system is responsible for many functions such as appetite, inflammation, pain and sleep. When it comes to menstruation, the hypothesis is that CBD helps alleviate the pain and inflammation that is caused when the uterus contracts to expel the lining. 

There are no official studies that link menstrual cramps and CBD directly; however, there are plenty that show that CBD plays a key role in reducing inflammation and managing pain. There is also anecdotal evidence that points to the reduction of the severity in symptoms after 3 months of consistent CBD use. 

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If you want to start with CBD for menstrual pain, the rule is to start off at lower doses until you find the sweet spot, the dosage that works for you. Some women who have tried it, reported a reduction in pain as well as a decrease in other symptoms such as headaches and emotional turmoil. Simona, a 24-year old model from north London recalls her experience with CBD: "During my periods I would have really bad headaches and, like everyone else, I was using pain relief. But that would barely scratch the surface. I often couldn't go to school or university or work because of the pain. I would have to leave in the middle of the day and it really affected my quality of life. I'd be crying from the pain. I couldn't stand up or breathe normally. It was horrible. I felt angry a lot of the time, probably because I was so frustrated with my circumstances." 

The bottom line is that different things work for different people. If you’re looking for natural ways to aid your period cramps, CBD is definitely worth a try. We’ve even got a product from Sisters Of The Valley concocted especially for women who want to alleviate period pain. Check it out or consult our Doctors to receive a recommendation!

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