What Effect Does Medical Marijuana Have on Asthma?

What Effect Does Medical Marijuana Have on Asthma?

Asthmatics, of course, are well aware of the difficulties of congested lungs. Dizziness, shortness of breath, wheezing, and other related sensations are typical asthma symptoms, and if you’re not vigilant, asthma attacks can be deadly. Besides that, life can be a little more difficult if you’re an asthmatic who loves smoking pot. You’re torn between having to enjoy your favourite herb and stop aggravating your lungs. Although it’s good not to have to compete with smoke or vapour in your lungs, the relaxation that comes with lighting up can be very appealing. That raises the issue of whether or not you should use medical marijuana if you have asthma. Will it improve your health, or will it aggravate it? These questions should be answered in this post.

What Causes Asthma and What Is Asthma?

You’re aware that asthma triggers respiratory difficulties and a whistling, wheezing sound as you inhale. What happens during an assault, though?

Here’s a short rundown, and it’s not nice.

To begin, your lungs’ airways narrow and swell. Mucus can also form in your respiratory system in some cases. Any people may be unconcerned about it and see it as a mild annoyance. A worst-case situation, on the other hand, will also be fatal for some.

“Am I at risk for asthma?” is the next appropriate thing to consider. It’s partially genetic because if you have close relatives who suffer from asthma, you’re likely to suffer from it as well. Of course, if you have allergies, which are often comorbid with asthma, that’s another important indicator.

Then there are lifestyle considerations to remember, such as being overweight, chain-smoking cigarettes, and being exposed to toxins such as secondhand tobacco smoke and other dangerous chemicals.

Symptoms of Asthma

The severity of asthma symptoms varies from person to person. Some individuals will have attacks any time they are subject to one of these stimuli. Others will only have one after a strenuous workout or an extreme traumatic episode, for example.

Regardless of the asthmatic is feeling the symptoms, they will appear the same. If you’re getting a full-blown asthma attack, you’ll have the following symptoms:

  • Every exhale is followed by wheezing. This is most common in infants, and it’s a very unpleasant sound to hear.
  • Felt out of breath as if you’ve just run a marathon.
  • Wheezing exacerbates a hard, dry cough. These are the ones that are usually caused by a virus, such as the flu.
  • Sleep periods that are disrupted due to respiratory issues.

What Effect Does Cannabis Have on Asthmatic Patients?

Even though there are already many options to ingest cannabis in this day and age of legalisation, many people still choose to smoke it. And, considering their pre-existing illness, many herb-lovers are also unable to break their habit.

However, there’s also the problem of smoke coming into the lungs, which can irritate the airways. If performed in excess, it may also cause chronic bronchitis, but this isn’t normally the case.

Is It Safe To Smoke Medical Marijuana If You Have Asthma?

We’ll now concentrate on the possible long-term dangers of smoking medical marijuanas India online with asthma, now that we’ve been over and covered some of the key benefits:

  • When you smoke cannabis in India and around the world, large fluid-filled sacs known as bullae will quickly form in your lungs. Given that you already have asthma, we would understand that this is the last problem you want to deal with.
  • Pneumothorax, also known as a collapsing lung, is a life-threatening disease that may arise from the bullae over time.

The short-term threats are equally unappealing. They have the potential to aggravate your asthmatic symptoms and make your everyday life even more difficult. If you don’t control your smoking habit, you’ll experience the following:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Development of phlegm
  • Worsened coughing
  • Lung problems
  • Wheezing when exhaling

Cannabis vs Traditional Asthma Treatments

The seriousness of the disorder will decide which medication option your doctor recommends. Traditional recovery options include prescription drugs and breathing techniques, but the quick-relief inhaler is the most common option.

With the prospect of infusing THC into inhalers, asthma sufferers will be able to get the best of all worlds: rapid and long-term relief from a crippling condition for which there is no remedy.

There is certainly more research on the connection between medical marijuana and asthma that need to be undertaken. But let’s face it: cannabis has been seen to have soothing and stimulating properties in multiple users, which may be beneficial to any asthmatic. While smoking the herb is not an option, there are other ways to consume it worth considering.