Morgan Freeman’s journey to wellness with CBD

The grandfather of Hollywood Cinema – loved and adored by many and the voice that is so familiar to us, Morgan Freeman loves his CBD. Whether inNational Geographic's recent production,The Story of God, where Freeman weaves a human connection across all cultural differences, or through his narration of March of the Penguins, subtly reminding us about the need for environmental protection. Freeman is now using his powerful voice and presence to advocate for CBD. His advocacy for Cannabis is growing and helping the movement achieve new heights.

According to Freeman, “I have fibromyalgia pain in this arm, and the only thing that offers any relief is marijuana.” While he never specified what strain or cannabinoid he prefers, there is significant research about CBD’s effectiveness in treating chronic pain. It is possible Morgan Freeman uses CBD for pain, perhaps alongside other cannabinoids, to take full advantage of theEntourage Effect.

By naturally mimicking our endocannabinoids, phytocannabinoids such as CBD stimulate, inhibit, and regulate endocannabinoid receptor activity. Cannabinoids inhibit painful sensations in the central nervous system. THC and CBD in particular quiet the sensory neurons, closing down their lines of communication. 

The medical use of CBD (and other cannabinoids) by celebrities such as Morgan Freeman is nothing new. Many other famous faces are known to use cannabis and CBD for the treatment of many different illnesses and diseases. Michael J. Fox uses marijuana to combat the long-term degenerative effects of Parkinson's. Nate Diaz, the UFC fighter, conducted a famous interview smoking CBD oil from a vape pen after a fight because it helped relieve his pain. Social influencer Dan Bilzerian recently has begun advocating for CBD oil, and Whoopi Goldberg has her own medicinal marijuana company. The list is growing on a daily basis.

As more and more recognizable and credible people publicly discuss their therapeutic use of CBD, it's only a matter of time before the remaining legal hurdles fall. Yes, CBD products are legal throughout India, but it still remains an area to study. Rigorous clinical research is the final step to proving, once and for all, what we've known all along: cannabidiol is safe to use, and an extremely effective alternative treatment option.